Member-only story
Day 17: Suburbia
Man, most days I hate this town
So beige, gray, and brown
The only burst of color are the golden arches down on 45th street
Just strip malls and parking lots
Storage lockers and chain restaurants
They say
“It’s a great place to raise a family”
Sure, it’s nice
But manicured lawns, cloned houses, and white picket fences make a place lose all of its charm
Void of color and feeling
I’m listless every evening
The only things to do are to drink and daydream
Imagine new versions of myself outside of this town
I think
Maybe I’ll move away
Go where no one knows me
Be someone new
Just to chase a feeling
Sounds kind of nice to go somewhere just to be lonely
“Are you from here?” I’ll say I’m new to the city
But I know
The second that I leave, I’ll miss cul-de-sac days of staring at my ceiling
Homesick for my old routine