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Day 25: The dumbest things men have said to me at comedy shows
I really wish I could make this shit up, but sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. Like most spaces, comedy is mainly occupied by men (more specifically white men) and also has a nasty culture of gatekeeping and harassment. As a woman in that space, I also get the distinct pleasure of experiencing condescension and mansplaining on a regular basis. Yeah, yeah, I know we’ve seen every woman in comedy be asked what it’s like to be a woman in comedy but sometimes it’s just makes me laugh to think about what men have the audacity to say to me with no shame. So, here are a few of the wildest things men have said to me at comedy shows.
“I think the problem is that you think you’re funnier than you actually are. But don’t worry, I still think you’re really cute.”
Got this as a DM from a guy who looks like he was conceived in the back of a 99 cent store on the Jersey Shore. You know, I’m a bit of a romantic so it’s kind of a relief to know that even though he doesn’t like my comedy, he still finds me fuckable!
“I would plow foreign farmland for your pussy.”
I used to work the door at a comedy club. The stage was downstairs in a basement and I would…