Day 6: Checking in with myself

Arijana Ramic
4 min readJan 7, 2022
On the drive down to LA. November 2020. The last big change.

I’m going to honest. I’m having a very difficult time writing today.

I’ve spent all day trying to finish a poem and I just can’t do it. I loved the idea of it in the morning and by the afternoon I am fussing over it in annoyance. I feel off today. It could be the dreary skies, my lack of energy, or just a general sense of being overwhelmed, but I just can’t do it today.



Arijana Ramic

Arijana Ramic is a Seattle based standup comedian. You can find her musings on twitter (@arijanaramic) and short videos on the Aisha and Arijana FB page.