How Balkan parents say “I love you” instead of just saying the words

Arijana Ramic
The Foreigner Blog
Published in
1 min readMay 19, 2022


  1. Are you hungry? I’m not but if I say no then the next question is “what’s wrong with you?”
  2. Pamet u glavu (intelligence in your head roughly meaning be safe)…okay, yeah, sweet but where else would it be? my ass?
  3. “Everyone at the party was saying how respectful my kids are” Yes, as your child, obedience is the ultimate way…



Arijana Ramic
The Foreigner Blog

Arijana Ramic is a Seattle based standup comedian. You can find her musings on twitter (@arijanaramic) and short videos on the Aisha and Arijana FB page.