Day 20: That time a teenage street gang tried to beat me and my cousins up

Arijana Ramic
9 min readJan 21, 2022
Bosnia. 2018. I always love the way water looks in Bosna. Nothing quite like it.

I don’t know if you will find it funnier or more pathetic that at the time of this story, I was 21.

Teenagers, even ones not in street gangs, are always scary. They are both as naïve as they are all-knowing and blunt. So, when you combine their incredible tactics for intimidation with threats of violence, you can imagine the fear I was…



Arijana Ramic

Arijana Ramic is a Seattle based standup comedian. You can find her musings on twitter (@arijanaramic) and short videos on the Aisha and Arijana FB page.