Member-only story
Things that replace the human touch
Hugging a pillow
This is a great way to ease your way back to the human tactile experience. Start with a feather filled lump and move your way up to a memory foam density to make sure you don’t go hog wild. You’ll know you’ve gone too far if you’ve given your pillow and first and last name and maybe put a wig on it.
Brushing up against a wall
Sometimes these things happen on accident and you feel a stirring, but if you train for that moment, you’ll be able to handle the visceral feeling you get when the fat of your upper arm catches on the wall. It will be electric. It will be insatiable. It will be entirely too much, and you might even feel phantom brushing later.
Sitting on your hand until it goes numb then fondling your own breast
Yes, teens just discovering their own bodies do this too, but this is practically 3rd base in COVID times. If you’re having trouble imagining that it’s someone’s else’s hand, we recommend creating an almost porno like storyline to get yourself there. How did you meet this hand? Oh, through a mutual friend at a party? And you accidentally tripped and your boob fell into the hand? So cute!!!
Wrapping yourself in your shower curtain